Tag Archives: skin

Skin Care And Health Tips For Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you may need to take extra measures to care for and protect your skin. Sensitive skin can make skin care difficult as many products that are meant for cleansing or beautifying the skin can cause irritation. Therefore, you must be very careful what products you choose for skin care and health. You could end up with a real problem instead of your desired beautiful, healthy skin. Symptoms of Sensitive Skin Though sensitive skin in itself is not a medical condition, it can […]

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Do You Have Rosacea – How To Diagnose This Chronic Skin Condition

If you suffer from a red complexion, flushing or blushing, a red nose and cheeks and dry, flaky skin with pimples, you probably suffer from the chronic skin condition rosacea. Formerly known as acne rosacea, rosacea is more common in women than men, although men often have more severe symptoms. Most people who have rosacea are fair-skinned, fair-haired and blue-eyed, although it is also seen more rarely in dark-skinned people. The disease affects at least 14 million people in the United States of America, typically between 20 […]

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Rosacea – A Chronic Skin Problem

Rosacea is one of the highly mistaken skin diseases. Rosacea (pronounced as roh-Zay-sha) is a chronic skin disease which usually surfaces on your face. Millions of people have been affected by this disease without even being aware of its existence. This problem is very common among women between the age group of 30 and 50. The similarity between other diseases makes it very hard to diagnose. It can be mistaken as a sun burn or an acne related problem. As there are no specific remedies related to […]

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How To Get The Red Out

There could be good news for the over 16 million women in the United States who live with facial redness. An embarrassing and fairly common skin problem, facial redness often appears on the nose, cheeks and chin and can take various forms-from a slight flush to more noticeable red blotches on the face. Dermatologist Patti Farris advises her patients to understand exactly what triggers their facial redness and take steps to avoid those factors. “Facial redness triggers can vary from person to person, but most often result […]

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The Facts About Rosacea

There are many types of skin conditions and Rosacea just happens to be one of them. It generally affects light skinned women anywhere between 30 and 50 years of age, however it can begin earlier or later in life as well. Many individuals are affected by Rosacea yet do not know much about it. Fortunately, the following information will help determine what Rosacea is, what causes it, its symptoms, as well as its treatments. What is Rosacea? Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by red, […]

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Treatment For Rosacea

What Is Rosacea? Rosacea is a skin problem of the face. In this the facial skin gets a reddish tone forever. It may cause itching and also cause spider veins and acne like pimples. Rosacea gets flared with triggers such as sun, caffeine, alcohol, spiced food etc. Though there is no cure for rosacea, it can be controlled. Let us find out more. Rosacea treatment of spider veins and inflammation Most of the doctors cut the very small spider veins that become red with a electric needle. […]

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